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The concept of pipelining is a most effective in improving performance in the tasks being performed in different stages:

  1. require different amount of time
  2. require about the same amount of time
  3. require different amount of time with time difference between any two tasks being same
  4. require different amount with time difference between any two tasks being different
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1 Answer

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Consider 4 stages in pipeline S1,S2,S3,S4 where each stage requires 2ns

here k=no of stages=4, n is no of task =1, and tp=clock cycle time in pipeline=Max Stage Delay=2ns

Then, 1 task execution in pipeline=(k+n-1)tp=4*2=8 ns

Then, 1 task execution in non pipeline=tn=S1+S2+S3+S4=2+2+2+2=8ns

Speed Up=tn/tp=8/2=4

Efficiency=SpeedUp/No of stages in Pipeline=4/4=1 ===>100%


Consider 4 stages in pipeline S1,S2,S3,S4 where S1=2ns,S2=8ns,S3=6ns,S4=1ns

here k=no of stages=4, n is no of task =1, and Let tp=clock cycle time in pipeline=Max Stage Delay=8ns

Then, 1 task execution in pipeline=(k+n-1)*tp=4*8=32ns

Then, 1 task execution in non pipeline=tn=S1+S2+S3+S4=2+8+6+1=17ns

Speed Up=tn/tp=17/8=2.125

Efficiency=SpeedUp/No of stages in Pipeline=2.125/4=0.53125==>53.125%


So, B require about the same amount of time is correct


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