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Consider an array A[100] and each element occupies 4 word. A 32 word cache is used and divided into 8 word blocks. What is the hit ratio for the following statement.


What mapping is going to be used in the Solution ?

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4 Answers

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According to the question, a block can have 2 elements. And each element has size of 4 words.

Now, the looping is given as follows ==>


This means that for each value of i, we have to read the element first,and +10 shows that after reading , we have to add this constant value to the array element .

Hence, we will consider read and write cases now. Also, of the question was about just reading and no updating , then would have considered only read cases .

Now, first iteration will read first A[0] value, which is not there in the cache ( we have assumed cache to be initially empty), it will be a cache miss . 

Now, A[0] and A[1] cache block will be brought to the cache , and now write reference for A[0] is a hit, whereas, for A[1] ,both read and write access will be hits .

Hence, for a particular cache block , we have 1 miss and 3 hits .

Hence, hit ratio = 75% ..

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Each cache block is of 8 words.

One array element is of 4 word size

Hence each block can store 2 array elements.

In the for loop, 

When i=0, cache miss, A[0] and A[1] are fetched

When i=1,cache hit

When i=2,cache miss, A[2] and A[3] are fetched

When i=3 cache hit


When i=98, cache miss, A[98] and A[99] are fetched

When i=99 cache hit

So cache hit and miss come alternatively.hit ratio is 50% and set associative mapping is used

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Since cache clock size=8 words 

Each array element size is 4words 

Now in each cache block there exist two array elements like below way

A[0]A[1] A[2]A[3]   ........ A A[94]A[94] A[96]A[97] A[98]A[99]

So when ever we access A[0] then we can access both A[0]A[1]

A[0]     R(Miss)    W(Hit)

A[1]     R(Hit)         W(Hit)



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According to the question size of block 8 words=3bits

No of  blocks=32/8 =22 = 2

Array A has 100 elements =400 words

Each block contain 8 words

So  in a block 1st one is hit and next 7 words are miss.

No of miss here 400/8 =50

Number of hits =350

So, hit ratio 350/400⨉100=87.5%

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