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Let $f:A\to B$ and $E$ and $F$ be subsets of $A$. Is below statement true or false?

$S:f(E \cap F)= f(E) \cap f(F)$

2 Answers

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3 votes

False :

Consider $E: \{1,2,3,4\}$,   $F:\{3,4,5,6\}$

$f(E) = \{5,6,7,8\}$


$f(E \cap F) = \{7,8\}$

where as, $f(E) \cap f(F) = \{6,7,8\}$

Becomes TRUE only when $f$ is one-one (injective). 


$ f(E \cap F) \subseteq f(E)$ as intersection never adds any new element to a set and a function should have a mapping for all elements in domain.

Similarly, $ f(E \cap F) \subseteq f(F)$

Combining both,

$ f(E \cap F) \subseteq f(E) \cap f(F)$

$\subseteq$ becomes $=$ only when $f$ is one-one - when the mappings are unique for each element. 

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0 votes
Yes if f is one-one and onto else no

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