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the macro in assembly level program is neither a complete program nor a h/w portion and relative coding is done by addressing modes

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A macro is like a procedure that inserts a block of statements at various points in your program during assembly.

There are three general types of macros that MASM supports:

procedural macros, functional macros, and looping macros.

Along with conditional assembly, these tools provide the traditional if, loop, procedure, and function constructs found in many high level languages. Unlike the assembly instructions you write, the conditional assembly and macro language constructs execute during assembly. The conditional assembly and macros statements do not exist when your assembly language program is running. The purpose of these statements is to control which statements MASM assembles into your final ".exe" file.

While the conditional assembly directives select or omit certain statements for assembly, the macro directives let you emit repetitive sequences of instructions to an assembly language file like high level language procedures and loops let you repetitively execute sequences of high level language statements.

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