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54 votes
54 votes

Suppose the adjacency relation of vertices in a graph is represented in a table Adj $(X,Y).$ Which of the following queries cannot be expressed by a relational algebra expression of constant length?

  1. List all vertices adjacent to a given vertex
  2. List all vertices which have self loops
  3. List all vertices which belong to cycles of less than three vertices
  4. List all vertices reachable from a given vertex
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4 Answers

Best answer
61 votes
61 votes

The answer is D.

  1. This is a simple select query.
  2. This is the simple query we need to check $X=Y$ in the where clause.
  3. Cycle $< 3$ . Means cycles of lengths $1$ and $2$. The cycle of length $1$ is easy., the same as self-loop. The cycle of length $2$ is also not too hard to compute. Though it'll be a bit more complex, will need to do like $(X,Y)\; \&\; (Y, X )$ both present and $ X != Y$. We can do this with a constant length (not depending on the number of tuples) RA query.
  4. This is the hardest part. Here we need to find closure of vertices. This will need a kind of loop. If the graph is like a skewed tree, our query must loop for $O(N)$ times. We can't do this with a constant length query here.

Answer: D.

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0 votes
0 votes
A possible relational algebra query for option C :


$\pi _{\text{ u1, v1}} [ \sigma _{\text{ (v1 = u2 AND v2 = u1) OR (u1 = v1 AND u2 = u1 AND u2 = v2) }} ( \xi _{\text{ u1, v1}} Adj \times \xi _{\text{ u2, v2}} Adj ) ]$


Cycles of with atmost two vertices.
–3 votes
–3 votes
Answer: C

RA will face problem when we calculate length of self loops as the query will keep on executing on one tuple itself.
–5 votes
–5 votes
ans is C.

we can find A,B,D in O(n) time.

but we cannot find C in O(n)

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