2 Answers

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Virtual Address Space=32 Bit, Page size= 4 kb= 2x 210 = 212

PTE= V.A.S./ Page Size = 220   ....................eq. 1

Physical memory size= 64MB= 26 x 210x 210​ = 226

Then No. of Frames in Physical Memory= 226 / 212 = 214

And page table needs to store the address of all these 214 page frames. Therefore, each page table entry will contain 14 bits address of the page frame and 1 bit for valid-invalid bit. we suppose 16 bit require it means 2 bytes (approx.)

so Size of Page table = Total PTE (from eq 1) x Size of page table entry= 220 x 2 = 2MB

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32 bit virtual address means 232/4K = 220 entries in the page table as each entry points to a page (the lower 12 bits are not used while looking up in the page table).  

Each PTE must address a memory location of a page which ranges from 0 to 64M/4K = 16K. So, should need 14 bits. 

So, PTE size will be 220 * 14 bits ≈ 2 MB