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3 votes
3 votes
  1. How many 128 × 8 RAM chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 2048 bytes?
  2. How many lines of the address bus must be used to access 2048 byte of memory? How many of these lines will be common to all chips?
  3. How many lines must be decoded for chip select? Specify the size of the decoders?
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2 Answers

Best answer
7 votes
7 votes

128 X 8 RAM provides a memory capacity of 128*8=1024 bits

Number of chips required = $\frac{2048*8}{1024}$ = 16


Number of address line to access 2048 bytes = log 2048 = 11

Since there are 16 chips, so to distinguish among these chips bits required = log 16 = 4

So common lines = 11-4 =7


since 7 lines are common to each chip, chip select will have = log 7 =3 lines

since there are 16 chips we will need 4 X 16 decoder
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2 votes
2 votes

Under the assumption of byte addressable memory 1 word=8bits.
1. no of RAM chips=2048*8/128*8=16
2. size of memory is 2048 B=211 so we need 11 bits 2 uniqually determine a Byte so address BUS requires 11 lines
Now Understand the purpose of these 11 bits we knows that we need 4 bits to identify a RAM chip bcoz we have 16
so 11 is divided into 2 parts 4+7  " first 4 bits 2 select a RAM chip out of 16 and next  bits 2 select 8bits inside that RAM chip " so i think no of common address lines to all chips =7.
3. we have 16 chips, we need 4*16 decoder to select the right chip. so decoder size =4*16

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