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3 Answers

Best answer
20 votes
20 votes
Rank of this matrix is 1 as the determint of 2nd order matrix is 0 and 1st order matrix is non zero so rank is $1$.

Correct Answer: $C$
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2 votes
2 votes
Eigen Value of a upper triangular matrix = Principal diagonal elements.

The above matrix is a upper triangular matrix, thus the Eigen Value of the above matrix is 1 and 0 (diagnal elemnts).  

Number of non zero Eigen values of a matrix = Rank of that matrix.

Therefore the rank of above matrix=1.


1 votes
1 votes
Rank Of A Matrix Can be easily calculated by Calculating Order of Submatrix Having Determinant Not Equal to zero in the above submatrix of size 2*2 determinant turns out to be zero hence rank cannot be One but if we see for 1*1 submatrix we have [1] as submatrix whose determinant is not equal to zero hence Rank is 1 .

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