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31 votes
31 votes
Consider a system with byte-addressable memory, $32\text{-bit}$ logical addresses, $4\;\text{kilobyte}$ page size and page table entries of $4\;\text{bytes}$ each. The size of the page table in the system in $\text{megabytes}$ is___________.
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2 Answers

Best answer
42 votes
42 votes
Total no of pages $= \frac{2^{32}}{2^{12}} = 2^{20}$

We need a PTE for each page and an entry is $4$ bytes.

So, page table size  $= 4 \times 2^{20} = 2^{22}\;\textsf{B} = 4\;\textsf{MB}.$
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8 votes
8 votes

LA=32 bits

Page size or offset =4KB=>12 bits 

pages=32-12=20 bits ..so there are 220 pages .For each page there would be an entry in the page table ..and PTE=4 bytes

page table size= 220 * 4 B=> 4MB


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