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9 votes
9 votes

State any undesirable characteristic of the following criteria for measuring performance of an operating system:

Turn around time

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5 Answers

Best answer
14 votes
14 votes
$\textsf{Turn around time} = \textsf{Waiting time}+\textsf{Burst time}$

Since, $\textsf{Burst time}$ is independent of the scheduling algorthm, to minimize the average turn around time, the OS scheduler has to minimize the average waiting time. This means resorting to $\textsf{Shortest Remaining Time First}$ scheduling which on the positive side gives the minimum average waiting time but on the negative side can cause long burst time processes to $\textsf{starve}.$
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6 votes
6 votes
turn around time does not take into account the length of the cpu burst of the given's efficient for a long process to finish last and for shorter process to finish first.

completion time for a process also includes the time taken to output the result to the output device which depends on the speed of output device. so turn around time and completion time are not a good criterian to measure the performance of operating system because they also depends on factors other than efficiency of OS.
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4 votes
4 votes
By the way the turnaround time should not be a metre to evalaute the performance of  an OS .

But here they ask so

Undesirable is that : (i) long burst process are running first and smaller run after long.
2 votes
2 votes
A)for turn around time.....the undesirable characteristics is that, the burst time of the processes should not be long.

B) for waiting time.....the undesirable characteristics is that arrival time of the processes should not be same.

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