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4 Answers

Best answer
7 votes
7 votes
“Waiting time” is one of the metric for deciding the schedule of processes. If the OS tries to minimize the average waiting time of the processes it’ll follow the $\textsf{Shortest Remaining Time First}$ algorithm which though reduces the average waiting time of processes can still cause a long burst time process to $\textsf{starve.}$
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5 votes
5 votes
Waiting time is high when a shorter process waits for a longer process to finish(as in FIFO), or a process waits because many shorter processes keep on coming(as in SJF). Overall, such a situation is undesirable.
2 votes
2 votes
For better perfrmance of the os waiting time should be less of a process.It is undesirable that a process waits to get chance for cpu.

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