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Searching, Sorting, Hashing, Asymptotic worst case time and Space complexity, Algorithm design techniques: Greedy, Dynamic programming, and Divide‐and‐conquer, Graph search, Minimum spanning trees, Shortest paths.

$$\scriptsize{\overset{{\large{\textbf{Mark Distribution in Previous GATE}}}}{\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline
\textbf{Year}& \textbf{2022} & \textbf{2021-1}&\textbf{2021-2}&\textbf{2020}&\textbf{2019}&\textbf{2018}&\textbf{2017-1}&\textbf{2017-2}&\textbf{2016-1}&\textbf{2016-2}&\textbf{Minimum}&\textbf{Average}&\textbf{Maximum}
\\\hline\textbf{1 Mark Count} & 2 &3&2&3&2&0&2&2&3&3&0&2.2&3
\\\hline\textbf{2 Marks Count} & 2 &3&4&4&2&4&2&3&2&3&2&2.9&4
\\\hline\textbf{Total Marks} & 6 &9&10&11&6&8&6&8&7&9&\bf{6}&\bf{8}&\bf{11}\\\hline

Recent questions in Algorithms

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int func(int n){if(n <= 1)return n;elsereturn 3*func(n-3) - 3*func(n-2); }The running time of the above function is
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$\text{Please explain True or False and Why ?}$$\text{1. f(n) = O(f(n/2))}$$\text{2. f(n) = O($f(n)^{2}$) }$
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Consider the following algorithm for Build-Max-heap and the given array A=[ 47,96, 35, 54, 77, 65, 83]. Run this algorithm on the given array and redraw the heap and the ...
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It is always true that Recursive code is easier to debug?? If yes then why?? please give full explanation.
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T(n) = T(n^1/2) + ndoing this in substitution method gives the ans as O(n)but using tree recursion gives the ans as O(nlogn)which of these are correct and which has to be...
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consider the following message BCCABBDDAECCBBAEDDCC find the no of bits requiered for huffman encoding of above message
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Consider the following function:function X(n,r) { if(r==0 or n == r) then return 1; else return (X(n-1,r-1,) + X(n-1,r)); }Find the worst case time complexity of function...