Hot questions in General Aptitude

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3 answers
What is the ans of last question if no is divided then reminder is 7
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2 answers
If the word EAR is coded as 57 then how the words EYE, FACE will be coded.
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1 answer
If $f(x)=\frac{4^{x}}{4^{1-x}+ 4^{x}}$, then $f(\frac{1}{65}) + f(\frac{2}{65}) +f(\frac{3}{65}) +..............f(\frac{64}{65}) +$ is equal toAnswers:a. 16b. 0c. 32d. 64...
5 votes
4 answers
The policeman asked the victim of a theft, "What did you ___ ?"LooseLoseLossLouse
7 votes
3 answers
Choose the option with words that are not synonyms.aversion, dislikeluminous, radiantplunder, lootyielding, resistant
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2 answers
$A$ does half as much work as $B$ in three-fourths of the time. If together they take $18$ days to complete a work, how much time shall $A$ & $B$ take to do it individual...
1 votes
1 answer
In the following figure, side QS is congruent to side SP, RPQ=50o and PSR=600Then among P,Q,R,S , which two angles are equal?
6 votes
3 answers
Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair:Medicine: HealthScience: ExperimentWealth: PeaceEducation: KnowledgeMoney: Happin...
4 votes
2 answers
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2 answers
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2 answers
“If one can do it, anyone can do it. If no one does it, I will do it.” The person who says the above statement seems to be: Sarcastic Optimistic Pragmatic Agnostic
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2 answers
Q: Pointing to a photograph, Vipul said, "She is the daughter of my grandfather's only son." How is Vipul related to the girl in the photograph ?A) FatherB) BrotherC) Cou...
1 votes
1 answer
The sum of $p$ terms of an A.P. is $3p^2+4p$. Find the $n^{th}$ term ?