Most viewed questions in Object Oriented Programming

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1 answer
A struct is the same as a class except that(A) there are no member functions.(B) all members are public.(C) cannot be used in inheritance hierarchy.(D) it does have a thi...
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1 answer
a class having no nameis not allowedcannot have a constructorcannot have a destructorcannot be passed as an argument
6 votes
1 answer
We can make a class abstract byDeclaring it abstract using the virtual keywordMaking at least one member function as virtual functionMaking at least one member function a...
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2 answers
What is the right way to declare a copy constructor of a class if the name of the class is MyClass?MyClass (constant MyClass * arg)MyClass (constant MyClass & arg)MyClass...
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1 answer
When the inheritance is private, the private methods in base class are _____ in the derived class (in C++)inaccessible accessibleprotectedpublic
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3 answers
The feature in object-oriented programming that allows the same operation to be carried out differently, depending on the object, isInheritancePolymorphismOverfunctioning...
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3 answers
Which of the following operator(s) cannot be overloaded?.(member Access or Dot operator)?: (ternary or Conditional Operator):: ( Scope Resolution Operator)All of the abov...