Recent questions in Non GATE

6 votes
2 answers
Warnier Diagram enables the analyst to representClass structureInformation HierarchyData FlowState Transition
5 votes
3 answers
In Java, after executing the following code what are the values of x, y and z?int x,y=10; z=12;x=y++ + z++;x=22, y=10, z=12x=24, y=10, z=12x=24, y=11, z=13x=22, y=11, z=1...
6 votes
2 answers
Black Box Software Testing method focuses on theBoundary condition of the softwareControl structure of the softwareFunctional requirement of the softwareIndependent paths...
4 votes
2 answers
The above figure represents which one of the following UML diagram for a single send session of an online chat system?Package diagramActivity diagramClass diagramSequence...
4 votes
1 answer
A context model of a software system can be shown by drawing aLEVEL-0 DFDLEVEL-1 DFDLEVEL-2 DFDLEVEL-3 DFD
5 votes
1 answer
What is the raw throughput of USB $2.0$ technology?$480$ Mbps$400$ Mbps$200$ Mbps$12$ Mbps
4 votes
7 answers
Which of the following is true about $z$-buffer algorithm?It is a depth sort algorithmNo limitation on total number of objectsComparisons of objects is done$z$-buffer is ...
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1 answer
5 votes
3 answers
Which of the following is not an image type used in $\text{MPEG}?$$\text{A}$ frame$\text{B}$ frame$\text{D}$ frame$\text{P}$ frame
5 votes
1 answer
Which of the following compression algorithms is used to generate a $\textsf{.png}$ file?$\text{LZ78}$Deflate$\text{LZW}$Huffman
7 votes
2 answers
Alpha and Beta testing are forms ofAcceptance testingIntegration testingSystem testingUnit testing
4 votes
2 answers
To declare the version of XML, the correct syntax is<?xml version='1.0'/><*xml version='1.0'/><?xml version="1.0"/><xml version='1.0'/>
4 votes
3 answers
To add a background color for all <h1 elements, which of the following HTML syntax is usedh1 { background-color :#FFFFFF}{ background-color :#FFFFFF} . h1h1 { background-...
0 votes
1 answer
0 votes
1 answer
The approach to software testing is to design test cases tobreak the softwareunderstand the softwareanalyse the design of sub processes in the softwareanalyse the output ...