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1 answer
Which of the following is true for a sorted list with ' $n$ ' elements?Insertion in a sorted array takes constant time.Insertion in a sorted linear linked list takes cons...
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1 answer
Files that are related to input/output and are used to model serial $\text{I/O}$ devices such as terminals, printers and networks are called:regular filescharacter specia...
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An example of a possible file attribute is:minimum sizepermanent flagarchive flagEBCDIC flag
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2 answers
For a channel of $3 \mathrm{KHz}$ bandwidth and signal to noise ratio of $30 \mathrm{~dB}$, the maximum data rate is:$3000 \mathrm{bps}$$6000 \mathrm{bps}$$15000 \mathrm{...
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1 answer
An example of a public key encryption algorithm is :Caesar cipher algorithmDES algorithmAES algorithmKnapsack algorithm
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With reference to hierarchical routing, the optimum number of levels for an $m$ router subnet is:$m^{2}$$m$$\ln m$$\sqrt{m}$
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1 answer
Assembler program is :dependent on the operating systemdependent on the compilerdependent on the hardwareindependent of the hardware
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1 answer
At the end of parsing,tokens are identified.set of instructions are identified.the syntactic groups are identified.machine instructions are identified.
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0 answers
Dead-code elimination in machine code optimization refers to :removal of all labels.removal of values that never get used.removal of function which are not involved.remov...
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A parse tree is an annotated parse tree if :it shows attribute values at each node.there are no inherited has synthesized nodes as terminal nodes.every non-...
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An example of a non-preemptive $\text{CPU}$ scheduling algorithm is :Shortest job first scheduling.Round robin scheduling.Priority scheduling.Fair share scheduling.
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0 answers
There are ' $n$ ' processes in memory. A process spends a fraction ' $p$ ' of its time waiting for $\mathrm{I} / \mathrm{O}$ to complete. The CPU utilization is given by ...
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An example of a memory management system call in $\text{UNIX}$ is :fork.mmap.sigaction.execve.
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With $64$ bit virtual addresses, a $4 \mathrm{~KB}$ page and $256 \mathrm{MB}$ of RAM, an inverted page table requires :$8192$ entries.$16384$ entries.$32768$ entries.$65...
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0 answers
A computer has $6$ tape drives with ' $n$ ' processes competing for them. Each process may need two drives. For which values of ' $n$ ' is the system deadlock free?$1$$2$...
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Water fall model for software development is :a top down approach.a bottom up approach.a sequential approach.a consequential approach.