Most answered questions in Programming and DS

50 votes
9 answers
Consider the following rooted tree with the vertex labeled $P$ as the root:The order in which the nodes are visited during an in-order traversal of the tree is$SQPTRWUV$$...
43 votes
9 answers
1 votes
8 answers
Find the output of the following $“C”$ code :Main() { int x=20, y=35; x=y++ + x++; y=++y + ++x; printf (“%d, %d\n”, x, y); }$55, 93$$53, 97$$56, 95$$57, 94$
13 votes
8 answers
13 votes
8 answers
If n has 3, then the statement a[++n]=n++;assigns 3 to a[5]assigns 4 to a[5]assigns 4 to a[4]what is assigned is compiler dependent
25 votes
8 answers
While inserting the elements $71, 65, 84, 69, 67, 83$ in an empty binary search tree (BST) in the sequence shown, the element in the lowest level is$65$$67$$69$$83$
48 votes
8 answers
Consider the following C program segment.# include <stdio.h int main() { char s1[7] = "1234", *p; p = s1 + 2; *p = '0'; printf("%s", s1); }What will be printed by the pro...
22 votes
8 answers
In a complete $k$-ary tree, every internal node has exactly $k$ children. The number of leaves in such a tree with $n$ internal node is:$nk$$(n-1)k + 1$$n(k-1) +1$$n(k-1)...
43 votes
8 answers
An Abstract Data Type (ADT) is:same as an abstract classa data type that cannot be instantiateda data type for which only the operations defined on it can be used, but no...
31 votes
8 answers