Most answered questions in Programming and DS

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Something wrong with the code or is it working fine ?
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#include <stdio.h>main(){ int arr[5]; printf("%p,%p\n",arr,&arr);}How do both print the same address?
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Suppose we used a hash fu action H(n) to hash n distinct elements (key) into an array T of length m. What is expected number of collision, if simple uniform hashing is us...
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Q. What is the output of following program?int main(){ register int Data =10; int *piSumData = NULL; piSumData = &Data; *piSumData = 5; printf("%d",*piSumData); }1. Run ...
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Let S be a stack with operations push, pop, top, empty. What is displayed after following segment of code executes . for(i=1; i<=5; i++) ...
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What is the output of this code in c?int main(){static int a[] [3]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12};int i=-1;int d;d=a[i++][++i][++i]; printf("%d",d); return 0;} how did 2 ...
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Since in a machine we always store numbers in binary then why can't we directly print the binary number itself using any inbuilt function, why do we have to write a separ...
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Minimum number of temporary variables needed to swap two variables is?
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How many real links are required to store an sparse matrix of 10 row 10 coloumns and 15 non zero entries...??
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Is there any graph whose number of BFS and DFS traversals are different?If so which graph.
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A ds is reqd. For storing a set of integers such that each of the following operations can be done in O (logN) time where N is the no. Of elements in the setDeletion of s...