Recent questions in Programming and DS

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4 answers
#include <stdio.h int main() { int a = 5, b; a = ++a + a++ + ++a; printf("%d",a); return 0; }What will be the output of the code?
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0 answers
Write a program in BlueJQ4. Draw Class Diagram and Object Diagram from the below given Details. public class University{ private Student stdob; private Faculty ...
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1 answer
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1 answer
From a character string of lenth $m$, the number of sub-strings of all lengths that can be formed are:$m^2$$m$$m(m+1)/2$$m(\log m)$
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3 answers
In a priority queue, insertion and deletion can be done atFrontbackMiddleAny position
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2 answers
Pointer p to an array of integers (of size 2 Bytes) is initialized to 200. What is the value of p+3?206203212204
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2 answers
What is the maximum number of comparisons needed to sort 6 items using radix sort, if each number is a 3-digit decimal number?120180210360
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0 answers
In Reeverse Polish notation, expression A*B+C*D is written asAB*CD*+A*BCD*+AB*CD+*A*B*CD+A request to the approver.!!This question is asked in ISRO 2024. Due to insuffici...