Search results for divide-and-conquer

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3 answers
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3 answers
In quick sort for sorting of n Numbers, the 75th greatest Element is selected as pivot using $O(n^2)$ time complexity algorithm than what is the worst case time complexit...
1 votes
1 answer
T(n)=T(n/5)+T(7n/10)+ana: constantwhat will be the time complexity of the above recurrence relation??Please share the approach for this kind of recurrence relation
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0 answers
Consider all the elements of an array is same and choosing pivot such a way that divides array into two equal parts. Then will it behave like QuickSort best case or worst...
7 votes
1 answer
You are given two sorted lists of integers of size $m$ and $n$. Describe a divide and conquer algorithm for computing the $k$-th smallest element in the union of the two ...
3 votes
5 answers
Given 2 sorted arrays each of n-elements and distinct. How much time it will take to find middle element of union array?(a) O(1)(b) O(log n)(c) O(n)(d) None of these