Recent questions tagged finite-automata

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2 answers
Give regular expression for the complement of the language given below .L (r) = {a2nb2m+1: n ≥ 0, m ≥ 0} (or) r =(aa)* (bb)* b
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1 answer
Give a regular expression for LR, where L is the language given below,L = (a + b) b (a + ab)*My answer : ( a + ba )* b ( a + b ).Please verify ...
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1 answer
The DFA for the complement of the language accepted by the above NFA is which is the answer ??? A) or B) ??? I feel B) is not a DFA and so A) is the answer ... please c...
1 votes
2 answers
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3 answers
Construct minimal DFA for L = {an: n is either a multiple of three or a multiple of 5 }
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1 answer
Let sigma = {0,1} . Construct a dfa for "All strings containing 00 but not 000".
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1 answer
Find dfa's for the following languages on Σ = {a,b}.L= {w: na(w) mod 3 >nb(w) mod 3}.L= {w :(na(w) – nb(w)) mod 3 0}.
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2 answers
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1 answer
Let sigma = { a,b }. The minimal number of states in a DFA that accepts set of all strings with A) exactly 2 "a's" and more than 2 "b's". B) atleast one "a" and e...
4 votes
3 answers
How many 3 state DFA's can be constructed with a designated initial final state that accepts empty language over alphabet {a,b}?
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1 answer
Design a DFA which accepts all strings over { a, b } that doesn't contain string aabb in it.
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2 answers
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2 answers
While constructing state diagram with minimum states, dead state is compulsory for:a) Only DFAb) Only NFAc) Both NFA and DFAd) Neither DFA nor NFA
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3 answers
Draw a 4-state DFA for the language $L \subseteq$ {a,b}* , L = {x : the number of time ab appears in x is even}
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1 answer
build an fa that accepts language of all strings of length 4 or more such that next to last (second last) letter is equal to the second letter of input string
77 votes
12 answers
Let $\delta$ denote the transition function and $\widehat{\delta}$ denote the extended transition function of the $\epsilon$-NFA whose transition table is given below:$$\...
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1 votes
3 answers
The number of different DFA's with two states X and Y,where X is the initial state,over the alphabet $\sum$ = {0,1,2}