GATE 1993 Computer Science Questions and Solutions

Recent questions tagged gate1993

19 votes
2 answers
If the state machine described in figure should have a stable state, the restriction on the inputs is given by$a.b=1$$a+b=1$$\bar{a} + \bar{b} =0$$\overline{a.b}=1$$\over...
30 votes
4 answers
32 votes
4 answers
Draw the state transition of a deterministic finite state automaton which accepts all strings from the alphabet $\{a,b\}$, such that no string has $3$ consecutive occurre...
25 votes
4 answers
Write a concurrent program using $\text{parbegin-parend}$ and semaphores to represent the precedence constraints of the statements $S_1$ to $S_6$, as shown in figure belo...
18 votes
3 answers
Show that proposition $C$ is a logical consequence of the formula$$A\wedge \left(A \to \left(B \vee C\right)\right) \wedge \left( B \to \neg A\right)$$using truth tables....
42 votes
4 answers
Out of a group of $21$ persons, $9$ eat vegetables, $10$ eat fish and $7$ eat eggs. $5$ persons eat all three. How many persons eat at least two out of the three dishes?
19 votes
2 answers
Prove by the principal of mathematical induction that for any binary tree, in which every non-leaf node has $2$-descendants, the number of leaves in the tree is one more ...
17 votes
2 answers
Assume that only half adders are available in your laboratory. Show that any binary function can be implemented using half adders only.
41 votes
5 answers
$\displaystyle \sum_{1\leq k\leq n} O(n)$, where $O(n)$ stands for order $n$ is:$O(n)$$O(n^2)$$O(n^3)$$O(3n^2)$$O(1.5n^2)$
28 votes
3 answers
Let $A$ and $B$ be sets with cardinalities $m$ and $n$ respectively. The number of one-one mappings from $A$ to $B$, when $m < n$, is$m^n$$^nP_m$$^mC_n$$^nC_m$$^mP_n$
27 votes
3 answers
Let A be a finite set of size n. The number of elements in the power set of $A\times A$ is:$2^{2^n}$$2^{n^2}$$\left(2^n\right)^2$$\left(2^2\right)^n$None of the above
24 votes
4 answers
The proposition $p \wedge (\sim p \vee q)$ is:a tautologylogically equivalent to $p \wedge q$logically equivalent to $p \vee q$a contradictionnone of the above
28 votes
3 answers
Assume that the following jobs are to be executed on a single processor system$$\begin{array}{|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Job Id} & \textbf{CPU Burst Time} \\\hline \text{p} ...