all the questions of ISRO 2020 question paper

Recent questions tagged isro-2020

3 votes
3 answers
5 votes
12 answers
If every non-key attribute functionally dependent on the primary key, then the relation will be inFirst normal formSecond normal formThird normal formFourth Normal form
2 votes
1 answer
One instruction tries to write an operand before it is written by previous instruction. This may lead to a dependency calledTrue dependencyAnti-dependencyOutput dependenc...
4 votes
1 answer
A new flipflop with inputs $X$ and $Y$, has the following property$$\begin{array}{|c|c|c|}\hline \bf{X}& \bf{Y}& \bf{Current\ state}&\bf{ Next\ state} \\\hline 0&0&Q&...
5 votes
4 answers
In a two-pass assembler, resolution of subroutine calls and inclusion of labels in the symbol table is done duringsecond passfirst pass and second pass respectivelysecond...
3 votes
3 answers
The number of tokens in the following C code segment isswitch(inputvalue) { case 1 : b =c*d; break; default : b =b++; break; }$27$$29$$26$$24$
8 votes
3 answers
If $ABCD$ is a $4$-bit binary number, then what is the code generated by the following circuit?BCD codeGray code$8421$ codeExcess-$3$ code
6 votes
2 answers
Minimum number of NAND gates required to implement the following binary equation$Y = (\overline{A}+\overline{B})(C+D)$$4$$5$$3$$6$
10 votes
3 answers
What is the complexity of the following code?sum=0; for(i=1;i<=n;i*=2) for(j=1;j<=n;j++) sum++;Which of the following is not a valid string?$O(n^2)$$O(n\log\ n)$$O(n)$$O(...
5 votes
2 answers
Huffman tree is constructed for the following data :$\{A,B,C,D,E\}$ with frequency $\{0.17,0.11,0.24,0.33\ \text{and} \ 0.15 \}$ respectively. $100\ 00\ 01101$ is decoded...
5 votes
5 answers
If an array $A$ contains the items $10,4,7,23,67,12$ and $5$ in that order, what will be the resultant array $A$ after third pass of insertion sort?$67,12,10,5,4,7,23$$4,...
6 votes
3 answers
Of the following, which best approximates the ratio of the number of nonterminal nodes in the total number of nodes in a complete $K$-ary tree of depth $N$ ?$1/N$$N-1/N$$...
3 votes
1 answer
In a class definition with $10$ methods, to make the class maximally cohesive, number of direct and indirect connections required among the methods are$90,0$$45,0$$10,10$...
4 votes
3 answers
Convert the pre-fix expression to in-fix $- ^{\ast} +ABC^{\ast} – DE+FG$$(A-B)^{\ast}C+(D^{\ast}E)-(F+G)$$(A+B)^{\ast}C-(D-E)^{\ast}(F+G)$$(A+B-C)^{\ast}(D-E)^{\ast}(F+...
2 votes
1 answer
Which of the following affects the processing power assuming they do not influence each otherData bus capabilityAddress schemeClock speed$3$ only$1$ and $3$ only$2$ and $...
1 votes
1 answer
Raymonds tree based algorithm ensuresno starvation, but deadlock may occur in rare casesno deadlock, but starvation may occurneither deadlock nor starvation can occurdead...
3 votes
2 answers
The master theoremassumes the subproblems are unequal sizescan be used if the subproblems are of equal sizecannot be used for divide and conquer algorithmscannot be used ...
5 votes
3 answers
The minimum height of an AVL tree with $n$ nodes is$\text{Ceil } (\log_2(n+1))$$1.44\ \log_2n$$\text{Floor } (\log_2(n+1))$$1.64\ \log_2n$
2 votes
3 answers
What is the in-order successor of $15$ in the given binary search tree?$18$$6$$17$$20$