Recent questions tagged isro2018

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2 answers
The lower degree of cohesion is kind of:Logical CohesionCoincidental CohesionProcedural CohesionCommunicational Cohesion
5 votes
6 answers
What is the output of tho following program?main(){ int x=2, y=5; if(x<y) return (x=x+y); else printf("z1"); printf("z2"); }$z2$$z1z2$Compilation errorNone of these
1 votes
7 answers
The Operating System of a computer may periodically collect all the free memory space to form contiguous block of free space. This is called:ConcatenationGarbage Collecti...
4 votes
2 answers
Any set of Boolean operation that is sufficient to represent all Boolean expression is said to be complete. Which of the following is not complete ?$\text{{AND, OR}}$$\te...
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2 answers
Of the following sorting algorithms, which has a running time that is least dependent on the initial ordering of the input?Mege SortInsertion SortSelection SortQuick Sort...
5 votes
4 answers
Consider the following C program:main() { float sum= 0.0, j=1.0,i=2.0; while(i/j>0.001){ j=j+1; sum=sum+i/j; printf("%f/n", sum); } }$0$ - $9$ lines of output$10$ - $19$ ...
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2 answers
For a multi-processor architecture, in which protocol a write transaction is forwarded to only those processors that are known to possess a copy of newly altered cache li...
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1 answer
Avalanche effect in cryptographyIs desirable property of cryptographic algorithmIs undesirable property of cryptographic algorithmHas no effect on encryption algorithmNon...
3 votes
3 answers
ln neural network, the network capacity is defined as:The traffic (tarry capacity of the networkThe total number of nodes in the networkThe number of patterns that can be...
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3 answers
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4 answers
Which one of the following algorithm is not used in asymmetric key cryptography?RSA AlgorithmGillie-Hellman AlgorithmElectronic Code Book AlgorithmNone of the above
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4 answers
If $\text{Tree-1}$ and $\text{Tree-2}$ are the trees indicated below:Which traversals of $\text{Tree-1}$ and $\text{Tree-2}$, respectively, will produce the same sequence...