Recent questions tagged programming

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1 answer
What would be the equivalent pointer expression for referring the array element a[i][j][k][l]?A. ((((a+i)+j)+k)+l)B. *(*(*(*(a+i)+j)+k)+l)C. (((a+i)+j)+k+l)D. ...
1 votes
2 answers
#include <stdio.h int main() { //code int x; printf("%d",printf("A")+printf("BC")*printf("DEF")); return 0; }What should be the output of following program? Please explai...
3 votes
4 answers
Assume sizeof an integer and a pointer is 4 byte. Output?#include<stdio.h #define R 10 #define C 20 int main() { int *p[R][C]; printf("%d",sizeof(*p)); printf("%d",sizeof...
0 votes
1 answer
The Correct answer is c but how?int main(){ int a=210,b=120,c; c=a>b?1,2,3:2,5,6,7; printf("%d",c);}ans:-a) 1b) 2c) 3d) Error.
0 votes
2 answers
printf("%d",20/3.2); or printf("%i",20.0/3); or %u // why does it prints garbage value Could someone explain(or provide info) about format specifiers %d, %s, %f.....
0 votes
0 answers
why did constructor's name is same as class name and it has no return type
1 votes
1 answer
what will be the output of the following piece of code? void add() { int i=11; printf("%d",++i|i++); }
0 votes
2 answers
swap(int c, int d) { int k,t; k=3; t=c; c=d; d=t; k=c+d+t; } main() { int k=5, l=9; swap(k,l); printf("%d,%d",k,l); }9,55,95,1919,5
0 votes
0 answers
#include<stdio.h int fun1(int x) { x=14; } int fun2(int x) { x=20; } int main() { int(*p)(),m,n; scanf("%d",&m); if(m) p=fun1; else p=fun2; n=(*p)(); printf("%d",n); retu...
0 votes
0 answers
#include<stdio.h int main() { char a[]={'A','B','C','D'}; char *p=&a[0]; *p++; printf("%c%c",*++p, *p); }What will be the output?1)C B2)B B3)B A4)C A
0 votes
1 answer
Which of the following statement about loop is correct?Index value retained outside the loopIndex value can be changed from within the loopGoto can be used to jump, out o...
0 votes
3 answers
main ( ) { int a = 2, b, c; a* = b = c = 4; a = b = c; printf(“%d”, a); a = = (b = c); printf(“%d”, a); } What will be the output? And How.$1, 4$$4, 4$$1, 1$$ 8, ...
2 votes
1 answer
#include<stdio.h int main() { int x=191; char *p; p=(char*)&x; printf("%d",*p); }explain it
0 votes
2 answers
What will be the output: #include <iostream using namespace std; int main() { char *A[] = { "abcx", "dbba", "cccc"}; char var = *(A+1) - *A+1; cout << (*A + var); }1. $ab...
0 votes
1 answer
member selection via pointer is P - Ccan we write it in terms of normal pointer , if yes then what it is ?is it written like (*P ) . C ??
0 votes
1 answer
My answer is 42 but given answer is 2018 please explain how ?
1 votes
1 answer
can someone verify the answer?my ans is 15 but ans given is 13
2 votes
1 answer
Why printf("%d",5%-2); is 1, not -1.
1 votes
0 answers
What is the output of the following program?void main(){printf("%d",5%2);printf("%d",-5%2);printf("%d",5%-2);printf("%d",-5%-2);printf("%d",2%5);}A) 1,-1 -1 1 0B)1 -1 1 -...