Recent questions tagged theory-of-computation

18 votes
8 answers
What is the highest type number that can be assigned to the following grammar?$$S\to Aa,A\to Ba,B \to abc$$Type 0Type 1Type 2Type 3
8 votes
3 answers
Consider the following Deterministic Finite Automaton $M$.Let $S$ denote the set of eight bit strings whose second, third, sixth and seventh bits are 1. The number of str...
6 votes
4 answers
3 votes
3 answers
There are exactly ______different finite automata with 3 states x,y,and z over the alphabet {a,b} where x is always the start state1)64 2) 256 3) 1024 4)5832
1 votes
2 answers
If L1 is CfL and L2 is CfL then state true or false??i)L1-L2 is CSLii)L1 intersection L2 is CSL..Iii)L1 - L2 is Recursiveiv)L1(compliment) is CSLGive the reason
2 votes
3 answers
Draw an FA accepting the language of all strings that begin or end with aa or bb, where indicated language is over {a, b} .
2 votes
1 answer
To complement the language , we complement the machine by altering final/non-final states.My question is , should that machine necessarily be a DFA? Can't we apply the sa...
2 votes
1 answer
The meaning of the regular expression (a+b)(a+b) isA)Strings of a's and b's where length is 2B)Strings of a's and b's of any length.C)Null stringD)None
1 votes
3 answers
NFA can be converted into DFA usingSub set construction methodLazy evaluation methodeither A or Bboth A and B
2 votes
1 answer
Which of the following is/are not regularA)strings of 0's whose length is a perfect squareB)set of all palindromes made up of 0's & 1'sC)Strings of 0's whose length is pr...
6 votes
4 answers
2 votes
1 answer
A language L is accepted by finite automata if and only if it isRight linearPrimitive RecursiveContext SensitiveRecursive
0 votes
1 answer
A language L is accepted by a pushdown automation if and only if it isA) Context SensitiveB)RecursiveC)Context FreeD)Right Linear
1 votes
2 answers
Give a regular expression for L = {set of all strings in which number of a's are multiples of 3}∑={a,b,c}
7 votes
4 answers
Which of the following sentences can be generated by S - aS $\mid$ bAA - d $\mid$ cAbccddabbccaabcabcabcd
0 votes
1 answer
Which of the following statements are true?1. Multitape TMs are equivalent to single tape TM2. Non deterministic TMs are equivalent to deterministic PDA3. Both 1 and 24. ...
0 votes
1 answer
Which of the following can be recognized by a Turing machine?1. Palindrome recognition2. GCD computation3. SQUARE(SQUARE(.....(x)) where SQUARE(x) = x 24. All the above
3 votes
1 answer
If language $L=\{a^n b^n \mid n \geq 0\}$, then language $L^2$ is given by$\{a^{2n} b^{2n} \mid n \geq 0\}$$\{a^n b^n a^n b^n \mid n \geq 0\}$$\{a^n b^n \mid n \geq 0\}$$...
1 votes
2 answers
The production rules for a given context-free grammar are $S \rightarrow aA, A \rightarrow bB, A \rightarrow aB$ and $B \rightarrow a$ inChomsky normal formGreibach norma...
1 votes
1 answer
10 votes
2 answers
Let $R_1$ and $R_2$ be regular sets defined over the alphabet, then$ R_1 \cap R_2$ is not regular$R_1 \cup R_2$ is not regular$\Sigma^* - R_1$ is regular$R_1^*$ is not re...
5 votes
3 answers
Why this statement Turing Machine accepts the null string epsilon ? is not Decidable ? explain with an example.