Recent questions without answers

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Calculate the minimum and maximum number of element comparisons involved in 2 way merge sort assuming n is power of 2.
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I have a question that can we use command line arguments without main function arguments?int main(int argc, char argv){}
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Can somebody please tell what kind of coding question should I prepare for IIIT Delhi PGCAT Coding round? Also please share memory based questions for PGCAT Technical exa...
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Why Gate Overflow Answer Writing template changed ? Previously there was separate Text editor section where we could add equation, different different colours and fonts a...
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What should be the order of priority list - NIT Warangal CSIS, NIT Surathkal CSIS ,IIIT Bangalore CSE (Main purpose is to grab a good placement)
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Could you suggest any btech project which also help in my gate cs preparation and for building the concepts?
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A packet has arrived in which the offset value is 100. Then what's the number of 1st Byte?
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A program is running on a specific machine (CPU) with the following parameters:i) Total instructions executed =10^7ii) Average CPI = 2.5 cycles per instruction.iii)CPU cl...
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Consider a regular language R and a context free language C. Let the PDA that recognizes C be called P=(QP,∑,Γ,δP,q0P,FP), and the DFA that reconginzes R be (QR...
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I'm currently doing Engineering Mathematics, will probably finish it by next week. But i wanted to know which subjects should i prepare next and if there's a particular o...
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