4 answers
Of the following sort algorithms, which has execution time that is least dependant on initial ordering of the input?Insertion sortQuick sortMerge sortSelection sort
3 answers
What is the complexity of the following code?sum=0; for(i=1;i<=n;i*=2) for(j=1;j<=n;j++) sum++;Which of the following is not a valid string?$O(n^2)$$O(n\log\ n)$$O(n)$$O(...
7 answers
6 answers
Let $x_n$ denote the number of binary strings of length $n$ that contain no consecutive $0$s.The value of $x_5$ is $5$$7$$8$$16$
5 answers
If an array $A$ contains the items $10,4,7,23,67,12$ and $5$ in that order, what will be the resultant array $A$ after third pass of insertion sort?$67,12,10,5,4,7,23$$4,...
1 answer
$\underset{x \to \infty}{\lim} \left( 1 + \dfrac{1}{x^2} \right) ^x$ equals$-1$$0$$1$Does not exist
0 answers
$\underset{x \to 0}{\lim} \sin \bigg( \dfrac{1}{x} \bigg)$ equals$-1$$0$$1$Does not exist
1 answer
Can anyone suggest me which book are good for solving gate questions except made easy bit and bytes and volume 1 2 3
2 answers
Source Made Easy Test SeriresCan anyone please tell me the answer for this, with explaination. According to me it will give the customer who buy from atleast one store, b...
0 answers
Let f(x-y) = $\frac{f(x)}{f(y)}$ for all x,y $\epsilon$ R and f’(0) = p, f’(5) = q. Then the value of f’(-5) is q-q$\frac{p}{q}$$\frac{p^2}{q}$
0 answers
Which book is better for PGEE section-1 aptitude?Arun Sharma or R S aggarwal?
1 answer
What was the minimum score needed to APPLY for Mtech TA/RA in top IIT’s in past year? can anyone share it category vise because unable to find it now that applications...
3 answers
Consider an enterprise network with two Ethernet segments, a web server and a firewall, connected via three routers as shown below.What is the number of subnets inside th...
0 answers
Consider the following relations on Z∗Z.I. (a1,a2)(a1,a2) R (b1,b2)(b1,b2) iff (a1<b1(a1<b1 or (a1=b1a1=b1 ^ a2<b2a2<b2))II (a1,a2)R(b1,b2)(a1,a2)R(b1,b2) iff (a1<b1(...