1 answer
He was not only accused of theft ____________ of conspiracy.rather but alsobut evenrather than
2 answers
Find the wrong term in the series $5, 11, 29, 83, 245, 765, 2189, 6563 :$$245$$765$$2189$$6563$
2 answers
Hi Everyone,I used many predictors, for Gate 2022, and it’s around 750-770. But I know, it is not enough for any good college. But I would be glad to have some guidance...
1 answer
What was the minimum score needed to APPLY for Mtech TA/RA in top IIT’s in past year? can anyone share it category vise because unable to find it now that applications...
1 answer
“The judge’s standing in the legal community, though shaken by false allegations of wrongdoing, remained ________________ .” The word that best fills the blank in t...
1 answer
The length, breadth and height of a room are in the ratio of $3 : 2 : 1.$ If its volume be $1296 \; \text{m}^{3},$ find its breadth.$12 \; \text{m}$$18 \; \text{m}$$16 \;...
2 answers
Source Made Easy Test SeriresCan anyone please tell me the answer for this, with explaination. According to me it will give the customer who buy from atleast one store, b...
2 answers
I want to if I want to know all questions topic-wise , then I go for a perticular subject link.I found page like:Is it showing all topics and one can miss some questions ...
2 answers
Do the GATEOverflow pdf books contain ALL the pervious year questions? Some questions are missing. I need to know whether or not to buy a question bank.
1 answer
Two Important lexical categories are _____________ .White SpaceCommentsWhite Space $\&$ CommentsNone of the options
1 answer
Which address is used to identify a process on a host by the transport layer $?$physical addresslogical addressport addressspecific address
1 answer
2 answers
Show that if p, q, and r are compound propositions such that p and q are logically equivalent and q and r are logically equivalent, then p and r are logically equivalent....
1 answer
Which one of the following cannot be scheduled by the kernel ?Kernel level threadUser level threadProcessNone of the option
1 answer
if we have more checkpoints, does the speed of recovery increase or decrease?
1 answer
Give a strategy to sort four distinct integers a, b, c, d in increasing order that minimizes the number of pairwise comparisons needed to sort any permutation of a, b, c,...
1 answer
I’m using standard book(kenneth.H.Rosen) for my GATE preparation. And I have a doubt regarding syllabus or propositional logic. Do I have to study the topic “Proofs�...
1 answer
If $\text{T1}$ and $\text{T2}$ are two Turing machines. The composite can be represented using the expression :$\text{T1T2}$$\text{T1} \cup \text{T2}$$\text{T1} \times \t...
1 answer
The recurrence relation for binary search algorithm is :$\text{T(n) = 2T (n/2) + O (1)}$$\text{T(n) = 2T (n/2) + O (n)}$$\text{T(n) = T (n/2) + O (1)}$$\text{T(n) = T (n/...
1 answer
In what manner is a state-space tree for a backtracking algorithm constructed ?Breadth-first searchTwice around the treeDepth-first searchNearest neighbour first