1 answer
If a data-item is declared as a protected access specifier then it can be accessed : Anywhere in the programBy the base and derived classesOnly by base classOnly by deriv...
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In which of the following methods proper choice of initial value is very important?Bisection methodFalse positionNewton-RaphsonBairsto method
2 answers
The addressing mode/s, which uses the $\text{PC}$ instead of a general-purpose register is :Indexed with offsetRelativeDirectBoth Indexed with offset and direct
2 answers
Which machine is equally powerful in both deterministic and non-deterministic form?Push Down AutomataTuring machineLinear Bounded AutomataNone of the options
1 answer
The channel capacity of a noise free channel having $\text{M}$ symbols is given by :$\text{M}$$2^{\text{M}}$$\log \text{M}$None of these
1 answer
If developer wants to transform model into source code is also known as _____________ .Backward Testing / Engineering Forward EngineeringForward Testing Reverse Engineeri...
2 answers
The ____________ enables the software engineer to develop models of the information domain and functional domain at the same time.data flow diagramstate transition diagra...
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I am currently in my 3rd year and I gave GATE thorough EE. I wish to pursue Mtech in AI from IISC. If I get a good score/rank this is year will I be called for interview/...
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Determine the minimum bandwidth, baud, and bandwidth efficiency for the following bit rates and modulation schemes-BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK, and 16-PSK.where fb = 2400 bps
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A protected variable which can be accessed and changed by particular set of operation is called $:$interrupt monitorsemaphore$\text{IPC}$
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$\text{TCP/IP}$ model does not have ____________ layer but $\text{OSI}$ model have this layer.session layertransport layerapplication layernetwork layer
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How long does the receiver wait before it sends a delayed acknowledgement for receiving few more packets. ? RTT2*RTT250 ms500 ms
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Perform the arithmetic operations (+42) + (-13) and (-42) – (-13) using binary signed 2’s complement representation for the negative numbers.
1 answer
Natural language constructs are(A) Unambiguous (B) Ambiguous (C) May be unambiguous or ambiguous (D) None of the other options
1 answer
In an array A[1..n] of n distinct elements, if i < j and A[i] A[j], then the pair (i,j) is called an inversion of A.How many inversions are there in the array A = {n,n-1...
1 answer
The number of possible subsequences in a string of length n are:$n^{2}$$2^{n}$ n!n(n-1)