9 answers
Let $P(x)$ and $Q(x)$ be arbitrary predicates. Which of the following statements is always TRUE?$\left(\left(\forall x \left(P\left(x\right) \vee Q\left(x\right)\right)\r...
0 answers
I'm getting its equaltion {anbn | n 0} U {a} U {b}But given is {anbn | n >= 0} U {a} U {b}Whether epsilon is accepted or not??
12 answers
In a binary tree with $n$ nodes, every node has an odd number of descendants. Every node is considered to be its own descendant. What is the number of nodes in the tree ...
5 answers
The number of binary strings of $n$ zeros and $k$ ones in which no two ones are adjacent is$^{n-1}C_k$$^nC_k$$^nC_{k+1}$None of the above
2 answers
A relation $R(P,Q,R,S)$ has $\{PQ, QR, RS, PS\}$ as candidate keys. The total number of superkeys possible for relation $R$ is ______
6 answers
Consider a join (relation algebra) between relations $r(R)$ and $s(S)$ using the nested loop method. There are $3$ buffers each of size equal to disk block size, out of w...
1 answer
Which of the following is not a regular language?a) $\{ w ( w_r )^* \mid w \in \{0,1\}^* \}$b) $\{w^n w^m \mid 0\leq n\leq m, w \in \{0,1\} \}$
4 answers
Q. If maximum sequence number in Go back N ( arq) protocol is 'n' then window size (sender) is ?If your answer is 'n' or 'n'+1' then please design GBN for sender windo...
6 answers
0 answers