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0 answers
Which of the following set of instructions moves the contents of memory location 3500H to register C? The contents of memory location 3500 H is 46 H. a. LXI H, 3500 H MOV...
1 votes
0 answers
How many bytes does the following set of instructions occupy? MVI A, 35H MVI B, 23H ADD B a. Four bytes b. Six bytes c. Three bytes d. Five bytes
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1 answer
How many times will the following loop be executed? XRA A MVI C, 05H LOOP: DCR C JNZ LOOP a. Once b. Five times c. Inf...
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1 answer
Which of the following flags is not affected by a conditional branch statement in an 8085 microprocessor? a. Auxiliary Carry flag b. Sign flag c. Carry flag d. Zero flag
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0 answers
In 8085 addition which of the following flags are set when the addition of the MSBs is more than 10?
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0 answers
How an RRC instruction in 8085 microprocessor instruction set will affect
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0 answers
After the execution of the instruction XRA A the contents of A , carry and zero flags
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1 answer
A 12-bit Hamming code word 000011101010 containing 8-bits of data and 4 priority bits is read from memory.What is the original 8 bit data word
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What minimum size ROM is required to implement an unsigned 4-bit binary adder
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1 answer
Is it trueIn SRAM information in memory gets lost as soon as power is switched off
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1 answer
How many address and data lines in 1M×16 ROM system
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1 answer
How many address and data lines is there in 1M×16 ROM system