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How large a file can be addressed by a double indirect block alone in a 64 bit system?minimum block entry size 8 byte and block size 8KB
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2 answers
system has 9 identical resources and N processes competing for them..Each process can request at most 4 resourceswhat is the minimum possible value of n which will lead t...
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in a heavily loaded network,which one we should use a)pure alohab)slotted aloha
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1 answer
What is the worst case running time of searching an element in balanced binary search tree of (2n)! elements
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number of distinct binary tree,that can be created by 5 nodes(distinct)
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A system has 32 bit Virtual adress and 8KB page size.main memory is 128 MB..the size of page table, when page table ,when pt entry has 1 valid bit 1 modified bit and fram...
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Number of relations which will be either symmetric or antisymeetric of 4 elements will be?
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1 answer
graph of 100 edges and 25 vertices..size of minimum vertex cover is 8..what is the size of maximum independence set?
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1 answer
Find the number of orders in which we can insert {1,2,...,7} in AVL tree,such that no rotation needs to be performed is _____(consider 4 as root element)
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3 answers
A mean -heap having 1024 elements with the key ranging from 0 to 1023 ,stored in array of 1024 indices the maxmimum difference between keys of all elements that can be st...
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2 answers
$T(N) = 2T\sqrt{N} + Log\sqrt{N}$what is the solution of recurrence relation
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1 answer
You are given a heap containing N elements. Write a procedure which takes as input a parameter k, and outputs the k'th smallest number in the heap. The running time of th...
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1 answer
Derive the running time of the binary search algorithm. If I modify binary search to break the interval size into 1/3, 2/3 rather than 1/2, 1/2, then what is the worst ca...
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1 answer
a fair dice is rolled until the output appers to be >4..now what is the probability that we need an even number of roll to get that?(forgot the options)
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1 answer
What is the time complexity of finding the kth smallest element in an array?$O(\log n)$$o(\log n)$$\Omega(n\log n)$$O(n)$