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1 answer
A system has 32 bit Virtual adress and 8KB page size.main memory is 128 MB..the size of page table, when page table ,when pt entry has 1 valid bit 1 modified bit and fram...
0 votes
0 answers
Number of relations which will be either symmetric or antisymeetric of 4 elements will be?
3 votes
1 answer
graph of 100 edges and 25 vertices..size of minimum vertex cover is 8..what is the size of maximum independence set?
0 votes
1 answer
Find the number of orders in which we can insert {1,2,...,7} in AVL tree,such that no rotation needs to be performed is _____(consider 4 as root element)
1 votes
3 answers
A mean -heap having 1024 elements with the key ranging from 0 to 1023 ,stored in array of 1024 indices the maxmimum difference between keys of all elements that can be st...
2 votes
2 answers
$T(N) = 2T\sqrt{N} + Log\sqrt{N}$what is the solution of recurrence relation
0 votes
1 answer
You are given a heap containing N elements. Write a procedure which takes as input a parameter k, and outputs the k'th smallest number in the heap. The running time of th...
1 votes
1 answer
Derive the running time of the binary search algorithm. If I modify binary search to break the interval size into 1/3, 2/3 rather than 1/2, 1/2, then what is the worst ca...
5 votes
1 answer
a fair dice is rolled until the output appers to be >4..now what is the probability that we need an even number of roll to get that?(forgot the options)
2 votes
1 answer
What is the time complexity of finding the kth smallest element in an array?$O(\log n)$$o(\log n)$$\Omega(n\log n)$$O(n)$
1 votes
2 answers
an Unix i node has 10 disk adresses for data blocks.as well as adresses for single,double,triple inidrecxt blocks.each of theze indirect block holds 256 disk adresses..ma...
0 votes
2 answers
A computer system inplements 8 kilobytes pages and 32 bit physical adress system..page table entry contains 1 valid bit and the translation.if the maximum size of page ta...
1 votes
3 answers
Bit map is used to keep track of free spaces.assumimg 1KB block size and disk sze 40GB..the size of bitmap has to be _______ (in MB)
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1 answer
64MB of MM is divivded into 8 partitions... if processes are 6MB and 4MB is loaded then what is the percentage of internal fragmentation
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1 answer
In thread switch of same process, which of the following value will be changeda)Program Counter & Stack pointerb)memory management info & PCc)mm info and SPd) only PC
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1 answer
FD s given P1P3->P4, P1->P2, P2->P1nowa) bcnf and p2p3->p4 holdsb)bcnf and p2p3->p4 does not holdc)3nf not in bcnf and p2p3->p4 holdsd)3nf not in bcnf and p2p3->p4 does...
0 votes
1 answer
Memory syatem of a computer is changed from direct Cache to 2-way set assosiative cache.same block size.now what is falsea) capacity increases2)sequential access does not...
2 votes
1 answer
Main() Int myarray[32]Printf(%d ,size of(myarray[])/sizeof(myarray(0))A..4B..8C.16D.depends on compiler for into size
1 votes
1 answer
What is the maximum possible value of (x%3)+((x+1)%3) here x be any positive integer
2 votes
1 answer
A DMA needs 5 clock cycle to transfer 8 byte data.how many clock needed to transfer 1024 byte of data ,if burst transfer is not used