1 answer
What was the last rank in the waitlist group which got admission offer from IIT Kanpur last year?Is there any chance for waitlist rank of around 20?
1 answer
IIT Kanpur vs IIT MadrasWhich one should I choose? Please give me some advice
1 answer
1. Suppose X is a uniform random variable between 0.50 and 1.00. What is the probability that a randomly selected value of X is between 0.55 and 0.60 or between 0.75 and ...
0 answers
Recently, IITH has introduced machine learning as a choice beside general CS. As its newly introduced is it better to give it a first priority than General CS if someone...
0 answers
Hi,I am 2016 B.Tech pass out.I currently do not have my degree certificate(I will take it from the university in some days). Is it alright to upload my provisional degree...
1 answer
Which marksheet to upload for maths in UG ? I had maths in 3 semesters .
1 answer
Let the homomorphism defined over alphabet Σ{0, 1} is h(0) = aa and h(1) = aba, and L = (ab + ba)*athen what is h-1(L)?
1 answer
I am getting 32 marks (sc category) can I get top nit or other nit?
0 answers
An entrepreneur needs to assign 5 different tasks to three of his employees. If every employee is assigned atleast 1 task, how many ways can the entrepreneur assign those...
1 answer
Is L(G) finite, for a given CFG G.Is decidable or undecidable?
2 answers
I could not understand here both the outputs point to D3 bit . How to proceed in this scenario ?
2 answers
The number of tokens in following program?# define M 100 int main ( ) { // declare variables int n = 2020; return n % M; }Your Answer:19Correct Answer: 16 Status: inco...
5 answers
1 answer
How to store ASCII value of a characters in c?Example:main(){char CH='A';printf("%d",CH );return 0;}I want to store this o/p in a variable.
1 answer
2 answers
For F(x,y,z)=$\sum (1,3,4,5)$ , what is the number of implicants and prime implicants?
2 answers