3 answers
What is the ans of last question if no is divided then reminder is 7
4 answers
Number System Question...What are all the options that can't be exactly represented...Question is like b7 b6 ....
1 answer
Attempted in last 2 mintues. got 0.28 something using Bay's theorem. What is the answer for that?
7 answers
Two girls have picked $10$ roses, $15$ sunflowers and $15$ daffodils. What is the number of ways they can divide the flowers among themselves?$1638$$2100$$2640$None of th...
2 answers
How many positive integers less than 1,000,000 have the sum of their digits equal to 19? (using generating function)
5 answers
How many substrings (of all lengths inclusive) can be formed from a character string of length $n$? Assume all characters to be distinct, prove your answer.
1 answer
L={R | R is a regular expression, with atleast one w belongs to L(R), i.e. 101 is substring of w}Which one true?a)L is decidableb) L is undecidablec)L is partially decida...
2 answers
Let $A$ be a matrix such that $A^{k}=0$. What is the inverse of $I - A$?$0$$I$$A$$1 + A + A^{2} + ...+ A^{k - 1}$Inverse is not guaranteed to exist.
6 answers
A relation $\text{Empdtl}$ is defined with attributes empcode (unique), name, street, city, state and pincode. For any pincode, there is only one city and state. Also, fo...
8 answers
Consider a $B^+$-tree in which the maximum number of keys in a node is $5$. What is the minimum number of keys in any non-root node?$1$$2$$3$$4$
5 answers
9 answers
We are given a set of $n$ distinct elements and an unlabeled binary tree with $n$ nodes. In how many ways can we populate the tree with the given set so that it becomes a...
1 answer
What is maximum possible height of BFS tree,if BSF is run on complete bipartisan graph Km,n where m>=1,n>=1 and starting vertex is S