0 answers
Hello,Please comment your opinion on IITB or IISc, I know this depends on personal preference to some extent because both the institutes are awesome, but I would like to ...
0 answers
@Arjun Sir : Last year keys were out only 2-3 days before results. So what made you say this for this time ??
5 answers
Gate answer key says the answer of 2 Input NOR Gate as 4.
2 answers
Are the gate keys out yet. If not, any info on when will they be out?
1 answer
If a student can get following which should he pursue according to your perception-:1-: IIT MADRAS MS2-:IIIT BANGALORE Mtech3-:IIT DHANBAD Mtech4-:IIT Hyderabad RAplease ...
1 answer
Hey, does the MS program at IIT’s start in January, unlike Mtech Programs which start in August? If it does, is that a matter of concern?
0 answers
Do you think IITs will consider the discussion on GO and people's point of view while coming up with the answer key?
1 answer
I have scored 77.67 in GATE 2019. The rank predictor predicts my rank around 48 - 51.How accurate is the rank predictor?And if the predicted rank is accurate, then from w...
2 answers
Which IIT's take admission through written Test and Interviews,Upto what Rank They call and Eg Major Subjects To Focus and Type of Questions asked.
0 answers
GATE2019I am getting 71 marks in gate 2019 as per gateoverflow predictor and i think this time number candidates who are getting good score are more compare to last year....
2 answers
When will the official key be released?Are there any wrong answers given in GO rank predictor?
1 answer
My marks for gate cse 2019 as per GO is 70. This year the trend totally changed. Previous year with a marks of 70 one would get into IITB easily, rank around 50.But this ...
1 answer
I am getting 74.67 marks, and a score of about 866, will I get direct admission in IITK or IITB ?
1 answer
Hello people, Which are the questions you think were ambiguous in paper and should not be included in the final gate evaluation.Please mention your views.
1 answer
I am getting around 72 marks in GATE CSE 2019 with an estimated rank between 133-158 on GO RANK PREDICTOR, how should i start off my preparation for interviews in IIT’s...
3 answers
I am getting 51.05 marks,i came to know that i will get around 900 rank,can i expect any of the top IITs?if not what colleges can i get?
5 answers
Let U = {1, 2, ..., n} and A = {(x, X), x ∈ X and X ⊆ U}. Consider the following twostatements for |A|.(i) |A| = n*$\small 2^{n-1}$(ii) |A|= Sigma(k=1 to n) k.(nCk) W...
2 answers
When will we get our response sheet and the official key sheet?
3 answers
What was the Expectancy in the full binary tree question asked in the exam ?I got 3