0 answers
The aggregate monthly expenditure of a family was $ 6240 during first 3 months, $ 6780 during next 4 months, and $7236 during last 5 months of a year. If total saving dur...
0 answers
What is formula of Average memory access time?And formula of effective access time?And the difference between them . I always mix them .
0 answers
Find CPU time of computer with 500 MHz and following class distribution for program with 100 instructions.Class CPI Frequency1 3 40%2 ...
2 answers
Pipeline system has 4 stages and each stage takes 10ns.30% instructions are branch instructions .each branch instruction introduces delay of 3 cycle. What is speed up fac...
1 answer
1 answer
Why pipelining cannot operate at its maximum theoretical speed?Maximum theoretical is when we say that it takes same time to process an instruction in pipeline and non pi...
2 answers
If Cache access time is 10 ns . main memory access time is 150 ns. Cache hit rate is 99%.Determine effective access time of system.
0 answers