3 answers
In the Ethernet, which field is actually added at the physical layer and is not part of the frame.PreambleCRCAddressLocation
0 answers
Successful Search we assume that the probability of searching or finding an element at each location is same , then if we have n elements so probability is $1/n$...Also w...
1 answer
Can anyone derive efficiency formula of CSMA/CD please?
1 answer
Why there is need to convert IP address to Domain name ?
0 answers
0 answers
Why self dual functions are required?
1 answer
Since given increasing,so $N'(t)>0$ but what will be $N''(t)$ for the slow rate part?
2 answers
Suppose we are playing a game.You have to choose 1 out 3 doors.Behind 1 lucky door ,we have 1 million dollars.You picked 1 st door.But i opened the 3rd door and found not...
1 answer
There are 12 pair of shoes, what is the probability that atleast one complete pair of shoes are present if 4 shoes are selected at random?
2 answers
Number of distinct simple graphs possible, given 8 vertices and not considering self loops?
0 answers
L={a^n \ n>=0} M={b^n \ n>=0}L.M is a regular language and the DFA for this is going to be ending with b and epsilon and it will have two states Am I correct or not
2 answers
The $FSM$ (Finite State Machine) machine pictured in the figure aboveComplements a given bit patternFinds $2's$ complement of a given bit patternIncrements a given bit pa...
0 answers
What is value of $\log _{2}10$?In general calculator $\ln _{2}10$ is giving 2.3....But it should be 3. somethingright?
5 answers
Total number of Handles for $(w=aa)$ in the following grammar ?$S\rightarrow DT$$D\rightarrow aa$$T\rightarrow \epsilon$
1 answer
In Randomized Quick sort, Can we have partitioning algorithm that never gives worst case as $O(n^2)$ for every input?
8 answers
A die is rolled three times. The probability that exactly one odd number turns up among the three outcomes is$\dfrac{1}{6}$ $\dfrac{3}{8}$ $\dfrac{1}{8}$ $\dfrac{1}{2}...