3 answers
Which of the following models used for software reliabilityWaterfallMusaCOCOMORayleigh
11 answers
Semaphores are used to solve the problem ofRace ConditionProcess SynchronizationMutual ExclusionNone of the aboveI and IIII and IIIAll of the aboveNone of the above
2 answers
The correct syntax to write "Hi there" in Javascript isjscript.write ("Hi There")response.write ("Hi There")print ("Hi There")print.jscript ("Hi There")
6 answers
How many bits internet address is assigned to each host on a TCP/IP internet which is used in all communication with the host?$16$ bits$32$ bits$48$ bits$64$ bits
4 answers
Suppose there are $11$ items in sorted order in an array. How many searches are required on the average, if binary search is employed and all searches are successful in f...
7 answers
Dynamic address translationis part of the operating system paging algorithmis useless when swapping is usedis the hardware necessary to implement pagingstorage pages at a...
3 answers
How many comparisons are needed to sort an array of length $5$ if a straight selection sort is used and array is already in the opposite order?$1$$10$$15$$20$
3 answers
The advantage of MOS devices over bipolar devices is thatit allows higher bit densities and also cost effectiveit is easy to fabricateit is higher-impedance and operation...
3 answers
The join operation can be defined asa cartesian product of two relations followed by a selectiona cartesian product of two relationsa union of two relations followed by c...
4 answers
If a square matrix A satisfies $A^TA=I$, then the matrix $A$ isIdempotentSymmetricOrthogonalHermitian
4 answers
The ability to temporarily halt the CPU and use this time to send information on buses is calleddirect memory accessvectoring the interruptpollingcycle stealing
1 answer
With an IP address of 100, you currently have 80 subnets. what subnet mask should you use to maximize the number of available hosts ?a)192 b)224 c)248 d)252