1 answer
Is this statement correct? " Demad paging can bring entire process into memory at load time"How it is correct? If it is, then anybody can explain it please.
1 answer
int a = 50, b = 50;a = a+++++b;b = b+++++a; Value of b after executing these .I think it should be undefined behaviour. But in answer it is given 155. Can anybody verify ...
4 answers
Every unambiguous grammar is LR(0) grammar?
0 answers
How Directed acyclic graph would be constructed for this instruction?b[j] = a ;
1 answer
Hi Everyone,For this the Given Answer is 5, I got 4. I am now confused about how the 3 address code is generated here.
1 answer
Is the language L = {a^nb^m: n = m or n = m + 2} deterministic? Please anybody can clarify it.
2 answers
State true/falseIn CNF , S- espilon and Start symbol can appear on RHS side of production.