8 answers
What is the highest type number that can be assigned to the following grammar?$$S\to Aa,A\to Ba,B \to abc$$Type 0Type 1Type 2Type 3
5 answers
What is the size of the physical address space in a paging system which has a page table containing 64 entries of 11 bit each (including valid and invalid bit) and a page...
3 answers
5 answers
The number of states required by a Finite State Machine,to simulate the behavior of a computer with a memory capable of storing 'm' words, each of length 'n' bits is?$m \...
3 answers
If a node has $K$ children in $B$ tree, then the node contains exactly _____ keys.$K^2$$K-1$$K+1$$\sqrt{K}$
2 answers
Let $R_1$ and $R_2$ be regular sets defined over the alphabet, then$ R_1 \cap R_2$ is not regular$R_1 \cup R_2$ is not regular$\Sigma^* - R_1$ is regular$R_1^*$ is not re...
2 answers
Consider the following program fragmenti=6720; j=4; while (i%j)==0 { i=i/j; j=j+1; }On termination j will have the value4896720
3 answers
The output expression of the following gate network is$\text{X.Y} + \overline{\text{X}} . \overline{\text{Y}}$$\text{X.Y + X.Y}$$\text{X.Y}$$\text{X + Y}$
2 answers
Hashed message is signed by a sender usinghis public keyhis private keyreceiver’s public keyreceiver’s private key
1 answer
2 answers
The circuit shown in the given figure is afull adderfull subtractershift registerdecade counter
2 answers
A graph with $n$ vertices and $n-1$ edges that is not a tree, isConnectedDisconnectedEulerA circuit
3 answers
Consider the following pseudo-codex:=1; i:=1; while (x <= 1000) begin x:=2^x; i:=i+1; end;What is the value of i at the end of the pseudo-code?4567
4 answers
Assume that each character code consists of $8$ bits. The number of characters that can be transmitted per second through a synchronous serial line at $2400$ baud rate, a...
5 answers
The number of digit 1 present in the binary representation of$3 \times 512 + 7 \times 64 + 5 \times 8 + 3$ is891012
3 answers
If the bandwidth of a signal is $5$ kHz and the lowest frequency is $52$ kHz, what is the highest frequency$5$ kHz$10$ kHz$47$ kHz$57$ kHz
3 answers
The primary purpose of an operating system isTo make most efficient use of the computer hardwareTo allow people to use the computerTo keep systems programmers employedTo ...
2 answers
2 answers
The performance of Round Robin algorithm depends heavily onsize of the processthe I/O bursts of the processthe CPU bursts of the processthe size of the time quantum
2 answers
In networking, UTP stands forUnshielded T-connector portUnshielded twisted pairUnshielded terminating pairUnshielded transmission process
3 answers
Which of the following is a MAC address?$\textsf{}$$\textsf{00056A:01A01A5CCA7FF60}$$\textsf{568, Airport Road}$$\textsf{01:A5:BB:A7:FF:60}$
2 answers
Consider the following boolean function of four variables $f(w,x,y,z) = \Sigma(1,3,4,6,9,11,12,14)$, the function isIndependent of one variableIndependent of two variable...
2 answers
The cubic polynomial $y(x)$ which takes the following values: $y(0)=1, y(1)=0, y(2)=1$ and $y(3)=10$ is$x^3 +2x^2 +1$$x^3 +3x^2 -1$$x^3 +1$$x^3 -2x^2 +1$
2 answers
If $\text{A, B, C}$ are any three matrices, then $\text{A}'+\text{B}'+\text{C}' $ is equal toa null matrix$\text{A + B + C}$$\text{(A + B + C)}'$$\text{-(A + B + C})$
2 answers
Which of the following contains complete record of all activity that affected the contents of a database during a certain period of time?Transaction logQuery languageRepo...
3 answers
Process isA program in high level language kept on diskContents of main memoryA program in executionA job in secondary memory