Recent activity by Anwesha_Mishra

0 answers
If the CRC polynomial has degree n then what is the probability of detecting errors greater than n?a) 1/2^(n-1) b) 1/2^(n+1) c) 1/2^n d) 1/2^(n+2)
5 answers
Which one of the following regular expressions is NOT equivalent to the regular expression $(a + b + c)^*$?$(a^* + b^* + c^*)^*$$(a^*b^*c^*)^*$$((ab)^* + c^*)^*$$(a^*b^* ...
1 answer
Consider the following sequence $( 50,17,14,8, 13,10, 2,5,7,12)$ what is the Minimum number of interchanges required to make it Max heap?$4$$2$$3$$0$
0 answers
The postfix notation for infix notation $a^*(b+c)+d÷e$ is given by$abc^*+de ÷ +$$abc+^*de ÷ +$$abcde +^*÷ +$$abc^*+de + ÷$
0 answers
In the transaction management of schedule, theConflict serializability implies View serializabilityView serializability implies Conflict serializabilityConflict serializa...
0 answers
The transitive dependencies between attributes of a relation (relational DBMS file) is eliminated by the application of$1$st normal form$2$nd normal form$3$rd normal form...
0 answers
The normalization is a way to implementGood software engineering principlesGood database design principlesStructured Query LanguageDatabase Schema
1 answer
The schema for the entire database is designed using Data definitional languageStructured query languageData manipulation language Schema structure language
0 answers
The process of normalization is used toEnhance the number of relations Determine the relationship between different relations Minimize the redundancies & eliminate anomal...
1 answer
In relational DBMS, the closure of functional dependencies facilitates To determine the candidate key To determine the foreign key To determine the dependency of an attr...