1 answer
7. Which of the following statements are known to be true. A. P is a subset of NP. B. NP is a subset of P. C. P is not a subset of NP. D. NP is not a subset of P.
1 answer
1 answer
3. Let α, β, γ be roots of equation x^3 + 3x^2 + 2x + 12. Then α^2 + β^2 + γ^2 is equal to .
0 answers
This code executes successfullyint main() {char str[20];gets(str);puts(str);return 0;}whereas the below code gives runtime errorint main() {char *str;gets(str);puts(str);...
6 answers
For each of the four processes $P_1, P_2, P_3,$ and $P_4$. The total size in kilobytes $(KB)$ and the number of segments are given below.$$\small \begin{array}{|c|c|c|}\h...
1 answer
Number of WAR dependencies possibleR1 <- R3 + R2R3 <- R3 + R5R3 <- R2 + R3Is it 2 or 3?
2 answers
0 answers
for( i = n, j = 0; i 0; i /= 2, j +=i )Why There is no condition check for j here
2 answers
0 answers
Is there any difference between the execution of a+=2 and a=a+2 making the difference between various calls ?
1 answer
Ques: Can Round Robin algorithm be non-preemptive ?My answer: RR with largest Burst Time as Time Quantum is FCFS in nature and its non-preemptiveAm I right ? Please corre...
1 answer
Need some clarification regarding this answer Do comment please:
1 answer
What does it means ?An undirected graph has an even number of vertices of odd degree. But let a 4 vertex cycle graph if it not complete having even vertex and even degree...
2 answers
Can you see why the output of the following code is 256?main () { int a=0x1ff; char *careful= &a; *careful = 0; printf("%d", a); }
0 answers
Inside a program loopif we write*ch1++it will give "lvalue required" errorbut without any loop if we write even++*ch1++;it will not give any lvalue error. Why?
1 answer
What is the correct interpretion of this query
1 answer
Design a dfa in which accepts all the strings in which every prefix the difference of 0 and 1 is not more than 2?
1 answer
https://gateoverflow.in/30720/tifr2016-b-7the above question is already discussedbut still am not clear enufcan someone help
1 answer
1) Can a Deterministic PDA has two epsilon transition each reading different Stack symbol to perform a transition?2) Can a transition be performed without reading Stack s...