1 answer
Till now i have not got any exciting and detailed explanation of page tables and multi level page tables concept. if you have any resource on this please post the link .....
4 answers
Let Σ= {0, 1} What will be the number of states in minimal DFA, if the Binary number string is congruent to (mod 8). A. 8 B. 9 C. 7 D. 4
1 answer
What type of grammar is this most accurately described as?S- b/ aDD- a/ aDDA. A regular grammar B. CFG C. CSG D. Type-0
3 answers
#IITD_2011 which is better merge sort or heap. sort ?
2 answers
Prove that in a group of 6 people, there are at least three mutual friends or three mutual strangers.
5 answers
A fair coin is tossed repeatedly till both head and tail appear atleast once. Average no of tosses required is ?
1 answer
what is the advantage of keeping the Foreign Key null as we know if we make the Foreign Key null we cant reference it again so thats a disadvantage ......so there must be...
3 answers
In the given figure angle $Q$ is a right angle, $PS:QS = 3:1, RT:QT = 5:2$ and $PU:UR = 1:1. $ If area of triangle $QTS$ is $20cm^{2},$ then the area of triangle $PQR$ in...
8 answers
In a complete $k$-ary tree, every internal node has exactly $k$ children. The number of leaves in such a tree with $n$ internal node is:$nk$$(n-1)k + 1$$n(k-1) +1$$n(k-1)...
4 answers
How many distinct binary search trees can be created out of $4$ distinct keys?$5$$14$$24$$42$
5 answers
Let $A, B$ and $C$ be non-empty sets and let $X = ( A - B ) - C$ and $Y = ( A - C ) - ( B - C ).$ Which one of the following is TRUE?$X = Y$$X ⊂ Y$$Y ⊂ X$None of thes...
1 answer
I think they calculated whole things wrong.. with operand forwarding answer is 9,but they drew wrong diagram..and without answer will be 14.as we can use id stage under w...
6 answers
Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding a bridge?Bridge is a layer $2$ deviceBridge reduces collision domainBridge is used to connect two or more LAN segment...