16 votes
Let $f(x)$ be the continuous probability density function of a random variable $x$, the probability that $a < x \leq b$, is :$f(b-a)$$f(b) - f(a)$$\int\limits_a^b f(x) dx...
3 votes
Newton-Raphson method is used to compute a root of the equation $x^2 - 13 = 0$ with 3.5 as the initial value. The approximation after one iteration is3.5753.6763.6673.607...
9 votes
What is the possible number of reflexive relations on a set of $5$ elements?$2^{10}$$2^{15}$$2^{20}$$2^{25}$
7 votes
Consider the set $S = \{1, ω, ω^2\}$, where $ω$ and $ω^2$ are cube roots of unity. If $*$ denotes the multiplication operation, the structure $(S, *)$ formsA GroupA R...
4 votes
Consider the following matrix $$A = \left[\begin{array}{cc}2 & 3\\x & y \end{array}\right]$$ If the eigenvalues of A are $4$ and $8$, then$x = 4$, $y = 10$$x = 5$, $y = 8...
25 votes
Let $G$ be a simple connected planar graph with $13$ vertices and $19$ edges. Then, the number of faces in the planar embedding of the graph is:$6$$8$$9$$13$
2 votes
The language $\left\{a^mb^nc^{m+n} \mid m, n \geq1\right\}$ isregularcontext-free but not regularcontext-sensitive but not context freetype-0 but not context sensitive
5 votes
In 8085 which of the following modifies the program counterOnly PCHL instructionOnly ADD instructionsOnly JMP and CALL instructionsAll instructions
28 votes
Which of the following is not a form of memoryinstruction cacheinstruction registerinstruction opcodetranslation look-a-side buffer
1 votes
Please suggest some good online material(other than video) for Data structure? If anyone has idea about NLC(www.nlcindia.com) GET interview, please suggest what to prepar...
32 votes
In a min-heap with $n$ elements with the smallest element at the root, the $7^{th}$ smallest element can be found in time$\Theta (n \log n)$$\Theta (n)$$\Theta(\log n)$$\...
6 votes
A pair of dice is rolled again and again till a total of 5 or 7 is obtained. The chance that a total of 5 comes before a total of 7 is??
4 votes
Sign extension is a step in floating point multiplicationsigned $16$ bit integer additionarithmetic left shiftconverting a signed integer from one size to another
0 votes
To implement Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm on unweighted graphs so that it runs in linear time, the data structure to be used is:QueueStackHeapB-Tree
–5 votes
The minimum number of colours required to colour the following graph, such that no two adjacent vertices are assigned the same color, is$2$$3$$4$$5$
5 votes
Consider the polynomial $p(x) = a_0 + a_1x + a_2x^2 + a_3x^3$ , where $a_i \neq 0$, $\forall i$. The minimum number of multiplications needed to evaluate $p$ on an input ...
2 votes
The trapezoidal rule for integration gives exact result when the integrand is a polynomial of degree0 but not 11 but not 00 or 12
49 votes
20 votes
The rank of the matrix $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}$ is$4$$2$$1$$0$
23 votes
30 votes
1 votes
Obtain the eigen values of the matrix$$A=\begin {bmatrix} 1 & 2 & 34 & 49 \\ 0 & 2 & 43 & 94 \\ 0 & 0 & -2 & 104 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix}$$