1 votes
The addressing mode / s, which uses the PC instead of a general-purpose register is: Indexed with offset RelativeDirectBoth Indexed with offset and direct
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1 votes
How the option c is correct for the given schedules?
0 votes
Explain the phantom phenomenon. Why may this phenomenon lead to an incorrect concurrent execution despite the use of the two-phase locking protocol ?
0 votes
Suppose,T1: W(X), T2: R(X), T1: W(X), T2: Commit, T1: AbortHere we can see T2 is getting committed before T1 aborts, so it is clearly an Irrecoverable schedule but is it ...
1 votes
What is the minimum number of relations required to represent a one-to-many relationship having total participation on the many side?Can i have just a single table with a...
1 votes
A 4-ary tree,i.e. each node has either 0 or 4 children tree has 20 leaf nodes. Then the total number of nodes in the tree are ____.
0 votes
Every recursive program uses strictly more stack space compared to its iterative equivalent.This statement is false. Please explain with examples
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Consider the following scenario during insertion sort when the array looks like the following:{25,75,95,125,80,5,10}The number of comparisons that it will further take fo...
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What is the average case time complexity of the best sorting algorithm for an array having 2^n^2 elements .I know that the best sorting algorithm is no better than O(n lo...
0 votes
why not merge sort?we don’t swap in merge sort,we just create auxillary arrays and merge them by changing elements in the original array.should we consider that as a sw...
0 votes
Which of the following is best running time to sort $n$ integers in the range $0$ to $n^2-1$?$O(\text{lg } n)$$O(n)$$O(n\text { lg }n)$$O(n^2)$
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T (n) = T (n/2) + 2; T (1) = 1When n is a power of 2, the correct expression for T (n) is:(A) 2(log n + 1)(B) 2 log n(C) log n + 1(D)2 log n + 1
0 votes
suppose there are 4 sorted lists of n/4 elements each. if we merge these list into a single sorted list of n elements, for the n=400 number of key comparisons in the wors...
3 votes
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1)Consider the following pseudo code:for(i=1;i<=4;i++){fork();printf("X");}How many times “X” is printed?2) Consider the following pseudo code:void main(){fork();fork...