1 answer
loader can perform linking .it is true how?and what are combined features that loader can perform ?
1 answer
If $P$ is an integer from $1$ to $50$, what is the probability that $P(P+1)$ is divisible by $4$?$0.25$$0.50$$0.48$none of these
9 answers
Let $G$ be a complete undirected graph on $6$ vertices. If vertices of $G$ are labeled, then the number of distinct cycles of length $4$ in $G$ is equal to$15$$30$$90$$36...
4 answers
INCA(Increase register A by $1$) is an example of which of the following addressing mode?Immediate addressingIndirect addressingImplied addressingRelative addressing
5 answers
Which data structure in a compiler is used for managing information about variables and their attributes?Abstract syntax treeSymbol tableSemantic stackParse table
6 answers
Consider the $3$ processes, $P1, P2$ and $P3$ shown in the table. $$\small \begin{array}{|c|c|c|} \hline \textbf{Process} & \textbf{Arrival Time} & \textbf{Time Units Req...