1 answer
7 answers
A pipeline $P$ operating at $400$ MHz has a speedup factor of $6$ and operating at $70$% efficiency. How many stages are there in the pipeline?$5$$6$$8$$9$
3 answers
In a three stage counter, using $RS$ flip flops what will be the value of the counter after giving $9$ pulses to its input ? Assume that the value of counter before givin...
0 answers
1 answer
The concatenation of $2$ lists is to be performed in $O(1)$ time. Which of the following implementations should be used?array implementation of listdoubly linked listsing...
2 answers
How many minimum number of two input AND gates and two input OR gates are required to realize $Y = BD+CE+AB$ ?$2, 2$$4, 2$$3, 2$$2, 3$
1 answer
The Boolean expression $ A \cdot B+ A \cdot B+ A \cdot B$ is equivalent to:$A + B$$A \cdot B$$A \oplus B$$A \cdot B + A' B'$
2 answers
Find the sum of the perimeters of all the rectangles with integral sides whose area is 216 sq. units.
1 answer
Every element of some ring $(R,+,*)$ is such that $a*a=a.$ This ringis commutative is non-commutative may or may not be commutative none
1 answer
The set $\{1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24\}$ together with the two binary operations LCM and GCD represents which of the following algebraic structure?group ring lattice field