Recent activity by Desert_Warrior

1 answer
Which of the following is not provided as a service in cloud computing?Infrastructure as a serviceArchitecture as a serviceSoftware as a servicePlatform as a service
2 answers
What topics we should study in network security in computer networks?? can someone please tell the topics clearly??
2 answers
Many questions in Gate IT has been asked about data communication part like serial communication, multiplexing etc in compuer networks. But are these things in syllabus o...
0 answers
The output of the following program is: int a=75; printf("%d%%",a);a) 75b)75 % %c)75%d)noneIt is giving output as c) ...can anyone please explain why it is not giving out...
2 answers
My Query is as it is passing by reference so a in M actually refer to location b.So a=a*a=169 will be updated as b.Then how can b be 13?Please anyone rectify me.
1 answer
2 answers
What will be the output of the following C program fragment?int n =1; switch(n) { case 1: printf("One"); case 2: printf("Two"); case 3: case 4: case 5: default: printf("W...
1 answer
1 answer
2 answers
2 answers
Plz somebody draw DFA for following regular expression:r=(1+10)*
2 answers
The following postfix expression is evaluated using a stack. 823^/23*+51*- . The top two elements of the stack after first * is evaluated6,15, 73,21, 5
4 answers
What is the output of the following $\text{’C’}$ program?main() { printf(“%x”,-1>>4); }$\text{ffff}$$\text{0fff}$$\text{0000}$$\text{fff0}$
1 answer
1:Where I find printf body in turbo cI know the prototype defined in stdio.h header file but body is not there?2:why without include header file program successfully comp...
3 answers
How many lines of output does the following C code produce?#include<stdio.h float i=2.0; float j=1.0; float sum = 0.0; main() { while (i/j 0.001) { j+=j; sum=sum+(i/j); ...
1 answer
Which of the following data structured is most efficient in terms of both space and time to reverse a string of characters?Linked listStackArrayTree
9 answers
What is the output of the following C program? #include<stdio.h #define SQR(x) (x*x) int main() { int a; int b=4; a=SQR(b+2); printf("%d\n",a); return 0; }14361820
3 answers
Match the following with respect to the jump statements $:$$\begin{array}{cIcI} & \textbf{List – I} && \textbf{List – II} \\ \text{a.} & \text{return} & \text{i.} ...
2 answers
When a DNS server accepts and uses incorrect information from a host that has no authority giving that information, then it is calledDNS lookupDNS hijackingDNS spoofingNo...